Croma is the India’s first large format specialist retail chain for consumer electronics and durables. Croma has been launched by Infiniti Retail Limited, a 100% subsidiary of Tata Sons. It efficiently and successfully runs Croma's retail operations in India.
Croma offers over 6000 products across eight categories in a world-class ambience and our offerings are growing every day. These categories include Phones, Camera, Computers, Entertainment, Home Appliance, Kitchen Appliance, Gaming and Accessories.
Croma has always been dedicated towards giving its customers an easy and hassle-free access to best consumer electronics products. This dedication has earned the company "Most Admired Retailer" award for four years in a row.
Validity : 12 Months from the date of issue.
Terms & Conditions
- 1. Croma Gift Card
- 2. This Card in Non-Refundable